Parts Diagram – Lelit PL91T Victoria

Finding your part
  • Please use the parts diagrams provided below to determine the part(s) you need. Then use our search box above to find the part(s) on our website. If no results come up, more than likely we do not stock the part.
  • If uncertain, please go to the equipment model or part product page. Then use the Q&A tab found on that web page to ask your question.
  • Lastly, and only if the first 2 options were exhausted, please use our parts inquiry page.
  • Our call center does not have the training to handle parts inquiries for over 60,000 different parts items. Asking any questions regarding parts will more than likely result in you being referred to the above steps.
  • Please note also that all parts purchases are non-returnable or refundable and do not include technical support, instructions, or warranties as the purchase price of any part does not cover the cost of technical support. Technical support is available for repairing equipment in our shop.
  • Sorry, we will only special order a part for a model we carry AND was purchased through our supply chain.
  • Since we are unaware of the mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing expertise of a parts buyer or the tools owned by a parts buyer, we are never able to advise if a self-repair can be performed.
1000030 7900086
1000065 8600006
1000066 8600008
1400077 8900034
1400078 8900035
1400081 CD458-2
1400104 CD553
1600024 MC042
1600038 MC268
3300008 MC269
5100003 MC269/110
5100024 MC297-1
5100025 MC377
7800015 MC747

1000056 9100022
1000057 9400045
1000109 9600042
1000110 9600052
1000111 9600054
1000114 9600058
1100024 9600059
1400080 9600061
1600028 9600069
3700006 9700031
3700026 GV025-46
3700027 MC100
3700028 MC268
3700029 MC308
3700032 MC786

1400105 MC268
2200016 MC529
2200066 MC741
2200075 MC742
2200076 MC752
3000010 MC752-1
3700015 MC752-10
8700023 MC752-12
9100038 MC752-13
9200014 MC752-2
CD024-442 MC752-4
CD348-1 MC752-5
CD624 MC752-6
CP032 MC752-7
FS017 MC752-8
MC017 MC752-9
MC032 MC752/11
MC043 MC752/110
MC105 MC752/11/110
MC139 MC755
MC141 MC755/60
MC215 MC755/110

1400047 9600056
1400076 9700038
1400097 AST114
2400007 CD630
3700021 GV036-12
3700035 MC006
3700040 MC006/60
3700041 MC006/110
8600007 MC017
8600009 MC043
8600010 MC097
9100022 MC101
9200014 MC111
9400046 MC117
9500014 MC220
9600008 MC238
9600009 MC268
9600010 MC429

2200024 MC050
2200027 MC099
3700030 MC754
3700031 MC754-2
9300004 MC754-C
GV565 MC757