Parts Diagram – Bezzera Matrix DE

Finding your part
  • Please use the parts diagrams provided below to determine the part(s) you need. Then use our search box above to find the part(s) on our website. If no results come up, more than likely we do not stock the part.
  • If uncertain, please go to the equipment model or part product page. Then use the Q&A tab found on that web page to ask your question.
  • Lastly, and only if the first 2 options were exhausted, please use our parts inquiry page.
  • Our call center does not have the training to handle parts inquiries for over 60,000 different parts items. Asking any questions regarding parts will more than likely result in you being referred to the above steps.
  • Please note also that all parts purchases are non-returnable or refundable and do not include technical support, instructions, or warranties as the purchase price of any part does not cover the cost of technical support. Technical support is available for repairing equipment in our shop.
  • Sorry, we will only special order a part for a model we carry AND was purchased through our supply chain.
  • Since we are unaware of the mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing expertise of a parts buyer or the tools owned by a parts buyer, we are never able to advise if a self-repair can be performed.

Cod. 9942068 REV. 04

previous / next


1 7474218
2 5964676
3 5225230
4 5492022
5 5224403.01
6 7816002
7 5370920
8 5073642LL
9 7663626.01
10 5074924SG
10A 5074923SG1
11 5340531DL
12 5968124
13 7497009
14 7823001
15 5221826
16 5074672LW
17 5073643LW
18 5073644LW
19 7819902
20 5260206
21 7812805
22 5961602.01
23 7474217
24 5074673LW
25 5194654
26 7611502
27 5521512
28 5968127R


1 5283062 37 7814002
2 7815001 38 5058411LL
3 5221844 39 7470604
4 7816002 40 7474219
5 7304507TR 41 5055752LW
6 7304517 42 7374002
7 7666005 43 5302065.01AL
8 5162421LL 44 7496073.01
9 7304502TR 45 5471521.01
10 5162415LL 46 5471509
11 5162414LL 47 5224617
12 5492019 48 7496076
13 5221835 49 7373012
14 7815003 50 7611508
15 7812601 51 7730509
16 5058463LL 52 5963171
17 7474212 53 7741005.01 (110V)
18 5221830 7742404.01 (220/240V)
19 7633012 54 7703018
20 7819901 55 7630339 (110V)
21 7666006.01 7630341 (220-230V)
22 5194554 7630343 (240V)
23 7611516 56 7701123 (110V)
24 7303001TR 7702322 (220-230V)
25 7304505TR 7702415 (240V)
26 7304538TR 57 7431001
27 5194617 58 5471001
28 5225228.01 59 5191501
29 7304534TR 60 5302009
30 7826206 61 5162416LL
31 7304001TR 62 5162418LL
32 5223003 63 5194532
33 5301504TR 64 7303039
34 5162412LL 65 7200514
35 5302057AL 66 7492004
36 7816027 67 5226416AL


1 5493042
2 5471539
3 7496018
4 5471505
5 7496052
6 5471019
7 5283053TP
8 5224615TP
9 5302017TP
10 5302077TP
11 5224620TP
12 5965212.01AL


1 5320527BL
2 5494016
3 5302006TP
4 5192320
5 7666008
6 7814001
7 7663573
8 5722312TP (230V)
5722313TP (115V)
9 7823001
10 7826212
11 7434009
12 5302005TP
13 5370313
14 7303001TR
15 5194532
16 7303039
17 5162417LL
18 5194554
19 7304541TR
20 7703016
21 7630340
22 7701120 (110V)
7702319 (220/230V)
7702412 (240V)


1 7615002
2 5225416TP
3 7816002
4 7814001
5 5162420LL
6 5162419LL
7 5320528BL
8 5302006TP
9 5302009
10 5225209TP
11 5192321
12 5301506TR
13 7666008
14 7452509.02
15 7452511.01
16 7434009
17 7496040
18 7816422
19 7816017
20 5058125LW
21 5225205
22 5192001
23 5265807
24 5722239.01AL (220/240V 1100/1300W)
5721128.01AL (120V 1200W)


1 5073032LW
2 7663623
3 7809811
4 7822602
5 5221863CM
6 7496004
7 7816001
8 5470501
9 7817001
10 7496097
11 5285501AL
12 7304502TR
13 7493013
14 7816015
15 5280502TW-AL
16 5283059TW-AL
17 7819901
18 5056107LL
19 7666003
20 7814001
21 7826212
22 5963097.01 (110V)
5963098.01 (220/240V)
23 5963575.02


1 7496052
2 5283055TW
3 5494004
4 5496042
5 5225610
6 5222823CM
7 5221826CM
8 5260204DL
9 5471513
10 7372004 (wood)
7371511.01 (black)
11 5261801
12 5224603TP
13 7496072
14 5471532
15 5190501
16 7496073
17 7371004
19 7496095
20 5471037
21 7305019
22 5221872TW
23 5226621DL
24 5226622DL
25 5493046
26 7479990.02TW
27 7479985.02TW
28 5964101 (wood)
5964085.01AL (plastic)


1 7615002
2 7812402
3 5057012
4 5493047.01
5 5493049
6 7816002
7 5053044
8 7826402
9 7822603
10 7814001
11 7614007
12 7614006
13 7372507
14 7633628
15 7633326
16 7637209
17 7635424.01
18 7816203
19 7663007
20 7816017
21 7818009
22 5058124.01LL
23 7665524.01PR
24 5661505
25 5053024.02LW
26 5191511
27 5191514
28 7809809
29 7661047.01PR
30 5963187R (SW V1.1)
5963169.03R (SW V2.0)
31 7551001 (USA 125V 15A)
7551003 (USA 250V 20A)
7555001 (SCHUKO)
7554001 (UK)
7552001 (AUS)
7555003 (Switzerland)


1 7990603
2 5372101
3 5373001
4 5471031.01
5 5471035
6 5471003
7 5471527
8 5286016TW
9 7305006TW
10 7305007TW
11 7371520
12 5965631R
13 5965628R

previous / next


1 7990603
2 5372101
3 5373001
4 5471031.01
5 5471035
6 5471003
7 5471527
8 5286016TW
9 7305006TW
10 7305007TW
11 5371205
12 7816026
13 7493021
14 5371203
15 5371204.01
16 7809810
17 5978508.02
18 5965626.01R
18 5965625.01R

For more information, visit the Bezzera Matrix DE product page.