Parts Diagram – Bezzera BZ16

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COD. 9942064 REV. 04

TABLE 1 (BZ16 S)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 5344025.01
2 5961602.01
3 7474217
4 5074617LW
5 5344016LL (DE)
5340015LL (PM)
6 5340503DL
7 5074617LW
8 7474218
9 7816002
10 7809804
11 5521512


Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 5344025.01
2 5074620LW
3 5056330LW
4 5340017LL (PM)
5340018LL (DE)
5 5074617LW
6 5340503LL
7 7474218
8 7816002
9 7809804
10 5225230
11 5492022
12 5224403.01
13 7611502
14 7303502
15 5521512

TABLE 2 (BZ16 S)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7373006.03
2 7496073.01
3 5471509
4 5471521.01
5 5302065
6 7374002
7 7812601
8 7374004
9 7819908
10 5224617
11 7496076
12 5221830
13 5471535
14 5963009.03
15 5225228
16 5225246
17 7826206
18 5194529 (D6x9 L=150mm)
5194632LL (D8x5x1.5, mod.DE)
19 7611512
20 7303006
21 7816004
22 7805009
23 7470602
24 7731018 (100V C/OR)
7731019 (120V with OR)
7731022 (220V 60Hz with OR)
7731020 (230V with OR)
7731021 (240V with OR)
25 7634816
26 7432523
27 7400902
28 7304001TR
29 7303034TR
30 5221844
31 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
32 7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
7701111 (115V)
33 5301504TR
34 5162237.01LL
35 5162236.01LL
36 7303036TR
37 5225418TP
38 7809806
39 5194508.01LL
40 7431002
41 7663595


Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7741005 (110V)
7742404 (220/240V 50/60Hz)
2 7611508
3 7730509
4 5302023
5 5194574.01LL
6 7200514
7 7432523
8 5194633
9 7303033
10 5283018CM
11 7815001
12 5194566LL
13 7400902
14 7303034TR
15 5221844
16 7304001TR
17 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
18 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
19 5301504TR
20 7822603
21 7474219
22 7816027
23 7814002
24 5037837.01LL
25 7470604
26 5162236.01LL (Suppression Valve – HX Hose)
5162404LL (Flow Meter – Valve Hose)
27 5162237.01LL
28 7613004
29 5223003
30 7431001
31 5301506TR
32 5191501
33 5302019
35 5471001
36 5162403LL

TABLE 3 (BZ16)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 5302017TP
2 5471505
3 5224615TP
4 7496018
5 5283053TP
6 5471019
7 5493042
8 5224620TP
9 5471539
10 7496052
11 5302077TP
12 5965212.01AL

TABLE 4 (BZ16)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7432522
2 5221813
3 5495007
4 5492025
5 5722240TP (220/240V, 1250/1450W)
5721127TP (1350, 110V)
6 5302006TP
7 5192301
8 5329019DC-AL
9 5162233LL
10 5162402.01LL
11 7433013
12 5162239.01LL
13 7452511
14 7400901
15 5265812
16 5265819
17 5192001
18 5225205
19 5162234LL
20 5225417TP
21 7496052
22 5302005
23 5320501.02BL
24 5492008
25 7634808
26 5227002
27 7452509.02
28 5225413

TABLE 5 (BZ16)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7816014
2 7493013
3 7634808
4 5221863CM
5 7816001
6 5283046TW
7 7496004
8 5280502TW
9 7496097
10 5285501TP
11 5470501
12 7817001
13 5073032LW
14 7819908
15 7809811
16 7663623
17 7822602
18 5963097.01 (110V)
5963098.01 (220/240V)
19 7304502TR
20 5162397LL1
21 7303001TR
22 5370313
23 5162396LL
24 5223005TP
25 5301504TR
26 7702410 (240V)
7701112 (115V)
7702311 (230V)
27 7703014
28 7630331 (230V)
7630330 (240V)
7630332 (115V)


Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 5224603
2 5283055TW
3 5221826CM
4 5964098
5 5371802
6 7804002
7 7805004
8 7826202
9 5373903CM
10 7496072
11 5471532
12 5190501
13 5494017
14 7479990.02TW
15 5373904CM
16 5260203DL
17 5471513
18 5261801
19 5494004
20 7479985.02TW
21 5496042


Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7633326
2 5074907SG
3 7372507
4 7633628
5 5074906SG
6 5661501
7 5191513
8 7665524PR
9 5191511
10 5053024.01LW
11 7802401
12 7809809
13 7636604

TABLE 6 (BZ16)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 7816009
2 7635424.01
3 7812601
4 5035709.02LW
5 7614007
6 7551003 (USA 250V 20A)
7555001 (Schuko)
7554001 (UK)
7552001 (Australia)
7555003 (Switzerland)
7551001 (USA 125V 15A)
7 7614006
8 7633346
9 7819404
10 7662672.01PR

TABLE 7 (BZ16)

Parts Diagram - Bezzera BZ16
1 5372101
2 5373001
3 7990603
4 5471003
5 5471031.01
6 5471035 (16 gram)
5471021.01 (12 gram)
7 5965586.01R (1-cup)
5965587.01R (2-cup)
8 5471527
9 5286016TW
10 5978508.01
11 5371203
12 7816026
13 7809810
14 5371204
15 5371205
16 7305006TW
17 7305007TW
18 7493021

For more information, visit the Bezzera BZ16 product page (DE, PM).