Espresso Machine Backflush – Why 50?

Over the years with in-house experimenting and working with over 70,000 clients, we arrived at a count of 50 extractions as an average to perform a backflush routine with detergent on a backflush-capable espresso machine. More frequent backflushing espresso machines without detergent can happen more often, but the frequency needs to be considered as a higher frequency can have a detrimental impact on the internal parts, especially a vibration pump, of an espresso machine.

Again, the count of 50 is average. Similar to descaling frequency, this count depends upon other, but different driving factors:

The oiliness of the beans

The more oily the beans, the more rancid oils will accumulate behind and around the grouphead’s dispersion screen on the espresso machine. Hence, you may need to backflush the grouphead more frequently.

Grind fineness

Finer grinds, especially powder resulting from an inconsistent grind, will accumulate behind the dispersion screen of your espresso machine. Hence, you may need to backflush the espresso machine’s grouphead more frequently.

Amount and type of detergent used

Some detergents clean better than others. Too much detergent can clog the espresso machine’s grouphead. It can also strip out the lubrication on the cams in the e61 lever grouphead (other groups may not be affected). Hence, if you use a lesser or weaker detergent, you may need to backflush more frequently.

If you leave the puck to dry in the portafilter in the grouphead

If you leave the espresso coffee puck in the portafilter in the grouphead too long or too often, the rancid oils will accumulate with faster and greater intensity. As a result, this will require a more frequent backflushing routine.

The technique (short vs long)

Typically, we recommend a long backflush routine for rotary vane pump machines. We recommend a short backflush routine for vibration pump(s) machines.