Parts Diagram – ECM Synchronika

Finding your part
  • Please use the parts diagrams provided below to determine the part(s) you need. Then use our search box above to find the part(s) on our website. If no results come up, more than likely we do not stock the part.
  • If uncertain, please go to the equipment model or part product page. Then use the Q&A tab found on that web page to ask your question.
  • Lastly, and only if the first 2 options were exhausted, please use our parts inquiry page.
  • Our call center does not have the training to handle parts inquiries for over 60,000 different parts items. Asking any questions regarding parts will more than likely result in you being referred to the above steps.
  • Please note also that all parts purchases are non-returnable or refundable and do not include technical support, instructions, or warranties as the purchase price of any part does not cover the cost of technical support. Technical support is available for repairing equipment in our shop.
  • Sorry, we will only special order a part for a model we carry AND was purchased through our supply chain.
  • Since we are unaware of the mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing expertise of a parts buyer or the tools owned by a parts buyer, we are never able to advise if a self-repair can be performed.


1 B7474217
2 B7819901
3 E81100
4 ER8285
5 P1999
6 P2006
7 P2051
8 P2057
9 P2076
10 P2127
11 P2281
12 P2282
13 P2283
14 P2284
15 P2285
16 P2286
17 P2287
18 P2288
19 P2289
20 P2290
21 P2291
22 P2292
23 P2293
24 P2505
25 P6027
26 P7025


1 B5471509
2 B7496076
3 B7819901
4 C199900275
5 C227700898
6 C229900519
7 C229900548
8 C229900579
9 C229900644
10 C229900703
11 C439900695
12 C499900769
13 C519900369
14 P1973
15 P2019
16 P2051
17 P2052
18 P2077
19 P2120
20 P2520
21 P2559
22 P2567
23 P3015
24 P3023
25 P3024
26 P3025
27 P3026
28 P3036
29 P3527
30 P3528
31 P6016
32 P6017
33 P6020
34 P6020.K3
35 P6020.K4
36 P6020
37 P6021
38 P6022
39 P6023
40 P6025
41 P6026
42 P6049
43 P6051
44 P6057
45 P6101
46 P6103
47 P8012
48 P9010
49 P9014
50 P9015

Coffee Boiler

1 C199901550.1
2 C229900526
3 C309900127.2
4 P1904
5 P2006
6 P2011
7 P2040
9 P2049
10 P2058
11 P2121
12 P3029
13 P6037
14 P6102
15 P7051
16 P9011
17 P9012
18 P9013
19 P9014
20 P9015
21 P9033

Steam Boiler

1 C199900214
2 C199901550.1
3 C229900519
4 C229900520
5 C229900526
6 C309900127.2
7 C499900769
8 P2011
9 P2060
10 P2521
11 P2522
12 P2523
13 P2561
14 P2660
15 P2661
16 P6037
17 P6048
18 P6050
19 P7014.1
20 P7052
21 P9013
22 P9033
23 P9232

Steam / Hot Water Valves

1 C329900682
2 C439900840
3 P6005
4 P6005.5
5 P6002.4
7 P6006 (Water wand)
P6002.1 (O-ring)
8 P6002.2
9 P6005.5
10 P6010
11 P6015
12 P6012
13 P6011
14 P6001.1
15 P6001.2
16 P6070
17 P6003.9
18 P6070.3
19 P6070.2
20 P6003.5
21 P6003.4
22 P6003.2
23 P6003.3
24 P6003.7
25 P6003.6
26 P1019
27 P6070.4
28 89424
29 89425
30 C619900098
31 C619900104
32 C619900105
33 C619900106
34 R210
35 R220


1 C309900127
2 C309900131
3 C449900229
4 C449900767
5 C519900103
6 P1016
7 P1000.2
8 P1000.5
9 C219900426
10 R000002148
11 C219900427
12 R000002142
13 R000002144
14 C469900783
15 C219900425
16 B7479947
17 C219900430
18 R000002146
19 C469900421
20 C229901128
21 C469901132
22 P2057
23 P1000.1
24 P1000.4
25 C469900421
26 P1000.3
27 C469900422
28 C229900549
29 P1025.4
30 C219903081
31 C229901165
32 B7479942
33 C219900424
34 C219900423
35 C219900431
36 P1002
37 P1002.1
38 P1002.2
39 P1972
40 P2011
41 P2524
42 P2525


1 B5221875CM
2 B7633617
3 B7633618
4 B7819901
5 C199900087
6 P1968
7 P1983
8 P2004
9 P2006
10 P2009
11 P2026
12 P2081
13 M2004 (220-240V)
US1004 (115V)
15 C199900957 (Schuko)
P2034 (US)
P2035 (UK)
P2036 (AU)
P2037 (CH)
16 P2070
17 P2112
18 P2580
19 P3005
20 P6031
21 P6046
22 P9114
23 P6032 (220V-240V)
US1020 (115V)
24 P3026.1