Parts Diagram – Bezzera Unica

Finding your part
  • Please use the parts diagrams provided below to determine the part(s) you need. Then use our search box above to find the part(s) on our website. If no results come up, more than likely we do not stock the part.
  • If uncertain, please go to the equipment model or part product page. Then use the Q&A tab found on that web page to ask your question.
  • Lastly, and only if the first 2 options were exhausted, please use our parts inquiry page.
  • Our call center does not have the training to handle parts inquiries for over 60,000 different parts items. Asking any questions regarding parts will more than likely result in you being referred to the above steps.
  • Please note also that all parts purchases are non-returnable or refundable and do not include technical support, instructions, or warranties as the purchase price of any part does not cover the cost of technical support. Technical support is available for repairing equipment in our shop.
  • Sorry, we will only special order a part for a model we carry AND was purchased through our supply chain.
  • Since we are unaware of the mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing expertise of a parts buyer or the tools owned by a parts buyer, we are never able to advise if a self-repair can be performed.

TAB. 1 (up to 30.11.15)

1 5964627.01
2 5071733LL
3 5340510
4 5963068.03
5 5074476.01SG
6 7373009
7 5074621LW
8 5074634LW
9 7474217
10 5373102.01
11 5073020LW
12 7816002
13 7816004
14 5220818
15 7817004
16 7474218
17 7611517
18 5125705

TAB. 1 (from 01.12.15)

1 5964627.01
2 5071733LL
3 5340510
4 5963068.03
5 5074476.01SG
6 7373009
7 5074621LW
8 5074634LW
9 7474217
10 5373102.01
11 5073020LW
12 7816002
13 7816004
16 7474218
17 7611517
18 5125705
19 5521512

TAB. 2 (up to 30.10.12)

1 5283049
2 5224615TP
3 5302017TP
4 5493001
5 5224619TP
6 5302072
7 5471505
8 5471506.01
9 7496018
10 5194549
11 7303033
12 5194555
13 5194562
14 5225411TP
15 7304502TR
16 7452512
17 5162296LL
18 5194589LL
19 7496052
20 7304507TR
21 7496085
22 5965165

TAB. 2 (up to 26.02.14)

1 5283053TP
2 5224615TP
3 5302017TP
4 5493042
5 5224620TP
6 5302077TP
7 5471505
8 5471539
9 7496018
10 5194549
11 7303033
12 5194591
13 5194562
14 5225411TP
15 7304502TR
16 7452512
17 5162296LL
18 5194589LL
19 7496052
20 7304507TR
21 7496085
22 5965212AL

TAB. 2 (from 27.02.14)

1 5283053TP
2 5224615TP
3 5302017TP
4 5493042
5 5224620TP
6 5302077TP
7 5471505
8 5471539
9 7496018
10 5194562
11 7303033
12 5194591
13 5194610
14 5225411TP
15 7304502TR
16 7452512
17 5162296LL
18 5194589LL
19 7496052
20 7304507TR
21 7496085
22 5965212AL
23 7303006

TAB. 3 (up to 28.01.14)

1 5964085AL
2 5225410TP
3 5224603TP
4 5496042
5 5283047TW
6 5221826CM
7 5494004
8 5261801
9 5471513
10 5260204DL
11 5225610
12 5222823CM
13 7371511.01
14 7479990TW
15 7496073
16 5221872TW
17 7371003
18 7496084
19 7305014
20 7496072
21 5471532
22 5190501

TAB. 3 (from 29.01.14 to 08.06.17)

1 5964085.01AL
2 5225416TP
3 5224603TP
4 5496042
5 5283055TW
6 5221826CM
7 5494004
8 5261801
9 5471513
10 5260204DL
11 5225610
12 5222823CM
13 7371511.01
14 7479990TW
15 7496073
16 5221872TW
17 7371003
18 7496084
19 7305014
20 7496072
21 5471532
22 5190501
23 7496052

TAB. 3 (from 09.06.17)

1 5964085.01AL
2 5225416TP
3 5224603TP
4 5496042
5 5283055TW
6 5221826CM
7 5494004
8 5261801
9 5471513
10 5260204DL
11 5225610
12 5222823CM
13 7371511.01
14 7479990.02TW
15 7496073
16 5221872TW
17 7371004
18 7496095
19 7305019
20 7496072
21 5471532
22 5190501
23 7496052

TAB. 4

1 7432523
2 5225410TP (up to 28.01.14)
5225416TP (with o-ring, from 29.01.14)
3 5162297LL
4 5221844
5 7304509TR
6 7400902
7 7634814
8 5302067
9 7666002
10 5320519BL
11 5037831.01LL
12 5227002
13 7816002
14 5721133TP (110V)
5722309TP (220/240V)
15 5494016
16 5162296LL
17 5164080LL
18 5164079LL

TAB. 5

1 7479952
2 7479953
3 7479954
4 7479955
5 7479956
6 7479933
7 7479934
8 7479935
9 7479936
10 7479937
11 7479940
12 7493011
13 5267013
14 7812607
15 7479938
16 7479939
17 7479951
18 7479950
19 7479949
20 7371511.01
21 7479931
22 7479947
23 7479948
24 7479946
25 7479942
26 7479957
27 7479943
28 7479944
29 7479945
30 7479960
31 7479961
32 7479941
33 5471022
34 5493039
35 7479967
36 7479968
37 7479969
38 7479970
39 7479971

TAB. 6

1 5194631.01R (up to 13.12.15)
5194639 (from 14.12.15)
2 7611516
3 7303006
4 5194582
5 7731018 (100V)
7731022 (220V)
7731020 (230V)
7731019 (120V)
7731021 (240V)
6 7470602
7 7303042TR
8 7805009
9 7816002
10 7374015
11 5194582R
12 7634816
13 5225418TP
14 7496018

TAB. 7

1 5522074
2 7374016
3 7434019 (110V)
7434018 (230/240V)
4 5058405LL
5 5191508
6 5222204
7 5053025LW
8 7816002
9 7819911
10 7633907
11 7633906
12 7635424.01
13 7614007
14 7614006
15 7551001 (USA, 125V, 15A)
7551003 (USA, 250V, 20A)
7554001 (English)
7555001 (Schuko)
7552001 (Australian)
7555003 (Switzerland)
7553001 (Israel)
16 5221875CM
17 7633326
18 7372507
19 7633626
20 5191509

TAB. 8

1 7990603
2 5373001
3 5471035
4 5471031.01
5 5965611R
6 5471527
7 7479972.01TW
8 7305007TW
9 7371502
10 5373915CM
11 7305006TW
12 5965610R
13 5471003
14 5372101