Parts Diagram – Bezzera Mitica

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COD. 9942050.04 REV.02

TABLE 1 Mod. S – TOP

1 5074469SG (up to 23.02.16)
5074469.01SG (from 24.02.16)
5074470SG (up to 23.02.16)
5074470.01SG (from 24.02.16)
2 7816002
3 7474217
4 5074616LW
5 5961602.01
6 5344025.01
7 7809804
8 7474218
9 5340003.05LL (tank version)
5340011LL (TOP version)
10 5074617LW
11 5340503DL


1 5074470SG (up to 23.02.16)
5074470.01SG (from 24.02.16)
2 7819901
3 5056330LW
4 5074620LW
5 7819911
6 5344025.01
7 7809804
8 7816002
9 7474218
10 5340003.05LL
11 5074617LW
12 5340503LL
13 7611502
14 7303502
15 5224403.01
16 5492022
17 5225230


1 5074905SG
2 7816002
3 7474217
4 5074616LW
5 5961602.01
6 5344042
7 7809804
8 7474218
9 5340011LL
10 5074617LW
11 5340503DL
12 7819919
13 7812601
14 5058453LW
15 5370012
16 7804401
17 7663625LL

TABLE 2 Mod. S

1 7373006.03
2 7496073.01
3 5471509
4 5302065
5 7374002
6 5471521.01
7 7812601
8 7374004
9 7819908
10 5224617
11 7496076
12 5224414
13 5194540
14 5221830
15 5225228
16 7826206
17 5225246
18 5471535
19 7400902
20 7432523
21 5162237.01LL
22 5194590
23 5301504TR
24 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
25 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
26 5221844
27 7304001TR
28 7303034TR
29 7303036TR
30 7731018 (100V C/OR)
7731019 (120V WITH OR)
7731022 (220V 60HZ WITH OR)
7731020 (230V WITH OR)
7731021 (240V WITH OR)
31 7470602
32 7303006
33 5194592
34 5162236.01LL
35 7611512
36 5194529
37 7809806
38 5963009.03
39 7805009
40 7816004
41 7816009
42 7634816
43 5963070.03
44 5963071.03

TABLE 2A (up to 20.02.13) Mod. TOP

1 5162237.01LL
2 5301504TR
3 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
4 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
5 5194508.01LL
6 5221844 NUT
7 7815001
8 5283018CM
9 5162236.01LL
10 5194597LL
11 7809806
12 7304502TR
13 5301519
14 7200512
15 7432523
16 7304001TR
17 7303034TR
18 7816001
19 5194601LL
20 7303001TR
21 7304505TR
22 5194617LL
23 7304502TR
24 5225228
25 7826206
26 5302057
27 5057859LW
28 5221844
29 5471535
30 5037837LL
31 5963009.03
32 5221830
33 7496076
34 5226416
35 7730509
36 7741005
36 7742404
37 7816027
38 5492011
39 5221819
40 7400902
41 5471032
42 7816005

TABLE 2A (from 21.02.13) Mod. TOP

1 5162237.01LL
2 5301504TR
3 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
4 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
5 5194508.01LL
6 5221844
7 7815001
8 5283018CM
9 5162236.01LL
10 5194597LL
11 7809806
12 7304502TR
13 5301519 (3/8″ G, up to 15.01.15)
7304507TR (1/8″ G, from 16.01.15)
14 7200512 (3/8″G, up to 15.01.15)
7200514 (3/8″ G x 1/8″ G, from 15.01.15)
15 7432523
16 7304001TR
17 7303034TR
18 5037842LL
19 5194601LL
20 7303001TR
21 7304505TR
22 5194617LL
23 7304502TR
24 5225228
25 7826206
26 5302057
27 5057859LW
28 7816002
29 5471535
30 5037837.01LL
31 5963009.03
32 5221830
33 7496076
34 5226416
35 7730509
36 7741005
36 7742404
37 7816027
38 5492011 (D 15×3, up to 15.01.15)
5492018 (D 8×2 asbestos free, from 16.01.15)
39 5221819 (3/8"G, up to 15.01.15)
5221835 (1/8"G, from 16.01.15)
40 7400902
41 5471032 (Filter, up to 15.01.15)
7492004 (Gasket D 8.5×4.2×1.5, from 16.01.15)
42 7816005
43 7822603
44 7809804
45 7470604
46 7474219
47 7814002
48 5223005TP

TABLE 2B (up to 01.03.13) Mod. R

1 5223003
2 5221844
3 7815001
4 5283018CM
5 5302032
6 7611508
7 7472401
8 7374005
9 7496048
10 7730506
11 7741102 (110V 18MF)
7742206 (220/240V 10MF)
12 7479976
13 5038420LL
14 7613001
15 7802403
16 7804002
17 7816422
18 7816005
24 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
25 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
26 5301504TR
27 7303034TR
28 7304001TR
29 5221844
30 5194592
31 5162237.01LL
32 5162236.01LL
33 5194574.01LL
34 7200514
35 7613004
36 7432523
37 7400902
38 7802402

TABLE 2B (from 02.03.13) Mod. R

1 5223003
2 5221844
3 7815001
4 5283018CM
5 5302023
6 7611508
7 7730509
8 7741005 (110V)
7742404 (220/240V 50/60Hz)
9 7816027
10 7814002
11 5037837.01LL
12 7474219
13 7470604
14 7809804
15 7822603
16 5301504TR
17 7630327 (110V)
7630328 (220/230V)
7630329 (240V)
18 7701111 (115V)
7702310 (230V)
7702409 (240V)
19 7303034TR
20 7304001TR
21 5194508.01LL
22 7432523
23 7400902
24 5194574.01LL
25 5162236.01LL
26 5162237.01LL
27 7200514
28 7613004
29 5037842LL

TABLE 3 (up to 30.10.12)

1 5302017TP
2 5471505
3 5224615TP
4 7496018
5 5283049
6 5493001
7 5224619TP
8 5471506.01
9 7496052
10 5302072
11 5965165

TABLE 3 (from 31.10.12)

1 5302077TP
2 5471539
3 7496052
4 5224620TP
5 7496018
6 5283053TP
7 5224615TP
8 5471505
9 5302017TP
10 5965212.01AL
11 5493042
12 5471019


1 7432522
2 7400901
3 5162234LL (non pid)
5162395LL (pid)
4 5302005 (straight 3/8″G X M13)
5225412 (pid)
5 5265819
6 5265812
7 5225205
8 5192001
9 7452511
10 5301521TR
11 5162239.01LL
12 7452510.02R (up to 28.02.11)
7452509.02 (from 01.03.11)
13 5162233LL
14 7433013
15 5162288LL
16 5302064
17 5301520TR
18 5320501.02BL
19 7434009
20 5227007
21 5492008
22 5221813
23 5492025
24 5721127TP (1350 110V)
5722240TP (220/240V – 1250/1450W)
25 5163204LL
26 5164067.01LL
5164090LL (top)
27 5329020DC-AL
28 5495007
29 5302006TP
30 5192301
31 5225413
32 7433001 (from 14.03.17)
5963145 (up to 13.03.17)
33 5162235LL
34 5227002


1 7479952
2 7479953
3 7479954
4 7479955
5 7479956
6 7479933
7 7479934
8 7479935
9 7479936
10 7479937
11 7479940
12 7493011
13 5267013
14 7812607
15 7479938
16 7479939
17 7479951
18 7479950
19 7479949
20 7371511.01
21 7479931
22 7479947
23 7479948
24 7479946
25 7479942
26 7479957
27 7479943
28 7479944
29 7479945
30 7479960
31 7479961
32 7479941
33 5471022
34 5493039
35 7479967
36 7479968
37 7479969
38 7479970
39 7479971

TABLE 5A (up to 20.09.11)

1 7371511.01
2 5222823CM
3 5221826CM
4 5225610
5 5260204DL
6 5471513
7 5261801
8 5494004
9 5283047TW
10 5496042
11 5224603TP
12 5225410TP (H26, up to 04.10.2012)
5302079 ((from 05.10.2012))
13 5964085AL
14 7496072
15 5471532
16 5190501
17 7496073
18 5221872TW
19 7371003
20 7496083
21 7305010
22 7479958
23 5225608
24 5260203DL
25 7496084
26 7479959
27 5964084AL
28 7305013
29 7479975

TABLE 5A (up to 28.01.14)

1 7371511.01
2 5222823CM
3 5225610
4 5260204DL
5 5471513
6 5261801
7 5494004
8 5221826CM
9 5283047TW
10 5496042
11 5224603TP
12 5225410TP (up to 04.10.2012)
5302079 (from 05.10.2012)
13 5964085AL
14 7496072
15 5471532
16 5190501
17 7496073
18 5221872TW
19 7371003
20 7496084
21 7305014
22 7479990TW
23 5225608
24 5260203DL
25 7496084
26 7479985TW
27 5964084AL
28 5302064

TABLE 5A (from 29.01.14)

1 7371511.01
2 5222823CM
3 5221826CM
4 5225610
5 5260204DL
6 5471513
7 5261801
8 5494004
9 5283055TW
10 5496042
11 5224603TP
12 5964085.01AL
13 7496052
14 5225417TP
15 7496072
16 5471532
17 5190501
18 5494017
19 5221872TW
20 7371003
21 7496084
22 7479985.01TW
23 7496084
24 7305014
25 7479990.01TW
26 5225608
27 5260203DL
28 5964084.01AL

TABLE 6 (up to 31.11.15)

1 7661033.02PR
2 7635418 (16A 110V)
7635419 (16A 230V)
7635420 (16A 240V)
7635403 (30A 110V, only TOP version)
7635410 (30A 220/230V, only TOP version)
7635401 (30A 240V, only TOP version)
3 7819404
4 7816017
5 5035709.02LL
5035718.01LL (TOP)
6 7633621
7 7819908
8 7551001 (USA 125V 15A)
7551003 (USA 250V 20A)
7555001 (Schuko)
7554001 (UK)
7552001 (Australia)
7555003 (Switzerland)
9 7614006
10 7614007
11 7663005R
12 7633906
13 5221875CM
14 7633326
15 7372507
16 7633622

TABLE 6 (from 01.12.15)

1 7661033.02PR (110/120V)
7661043.01PR (220/240V)
2 7635418 (16A 110V)
7635419 (16A 230V)
7635420 (16A 240V)
7635403 (30A 110V, only TOP version)
7635410 (30A 220/230V, only TOP version)
7635401 (30A 240V, only TOP version)
3 7819404
4 7816017
5 5035709.02LL
5035718.01LL (TOP)
6 7633625
7 7819908
8 7551001 (USA 125V 15A)
7551003 (USA 250V 20A)
7555001 (Schuko)
7554001 (UK)
7552001 (Australia)
7555003 (Switzerland)
9 7614006
10 7614007
11 7663005R
12 7633906
13 5221875CM
14 7633326
15 7372507
16 7633624


1 7666002
3 5018468LW
4 7822602
5 7814001
6 7663581
7 5053026LW
8 7816016
9 5191511
10 5191510
11 7665529
12 7434021
13 5522076
14 7633626
15 7633326
16 7372507
17 7555001 (Schuko)
7552001 (Australia)
7555003 (Switzerland)
7551001 (USA 125V 15A)
7551003 (USA 250V 20A)
18 7614006
19 7614007
20 7633906
21 5221875CM
22 7819908
23 7814001
24 5035709.02LW
25 7819404
26 7661033.02PR (110/120V)
7661043.01PR (220/240V)
27 7635424.01
28 7816017

TABLE 7 (up to 02.12.12)

1 5373001
2 5372101
3 7990603
4 5471021.01 (12 gram)
5471026.01 (14 gram)
5 5471031.01
6 5471003
7 5471527
8 7479972.01TW
9 7305006TW
10 7305007TW
11 7371502
12 5373915CM
13 5965551.02R
14 5965550.02R

TABLE 7 (from 03.12.12)

1 5372101
2 5373001
3 7990603
4 5471003
5 5471031.01
6 5471021.01 (12 grams)
5471026.01 (14 grams)
5471035 (16 grams)
7 5965588.01R (1-cup)
5965590.01R (2-cup)
8 5471527
9 7479972.01TW
10 5978508.01
11 5371203
12 7816026
13 7809806 (M3.5×8, up to 18.06.15)
7809810 (M3.5×10, from 19.06.15)
14 5371204
15 5371205
16 7305006TW
17 7305007TW
18 7493021

For more information, visit the Bezzera Mitica product page.