Buying Commercial Espresso Machines

1st-line Equipment carries many brands of espresso machines as there is no one brand that can meet every need. Please review our quality list of espresso machine brands. If you need guidance on which machine is best for your application, please call or email us. We will need to know the following information or best guesstimate for new and upcoming establishments:

Budget range

Some of the manufacturers we carry take the extra step to make their machines more presentable and eye-catching. Although it can be expensive, it can also be a draw to bring in customers. Depending on your budget, we can reduce the selections we can choose from.

Timeframe for delivery

Most of the large commercial espresso machines have to be special-ordered from the manufacturer. Also, most of our manufacturers are in Europe. Depending on your timeframe, we may have to select a machine more readily available.

Available physical space for espresso machine and / or grinders

These commercial espresso machines can take up alot of counter space. Not only do need the space for the machine itself, but you must take into consideration extra space for tamping or other accessories.

Maximum cups of espresso, cappuccino, and lattes needed to be produced during peak hour

This the main factor we would need to know. Larger demand means a bigger boiler. Larger demand at certain times might mean more groupheads.

Traffic count in terms of people walking by, in office setting, or driving by

Once the word gets out, your business will start to increase. We will take this into account when selecting the right machine to handle your current and future needs.

Sizes of cups

All commercial espresso machines can accommodate your standard espresso & cappuccino cups. For taller cups, however, this is something we will have to confirm.

Square feet of public space

Number of seats