PID Overview – Lelit PL41 Anna & PL60 Diana models

Entering the technical menu:

  • With the machine off, keep pressed both both UP and DOWN buttons of the PID controller, switch on the machine and wait until the display shows F03, then release the UP and DOWN buttons of the PID CONTROLLER.
  • Press the DOWN button to scroll the parameters.
  • Press the UP button to access in the programming menu.
  • Use the DOWN and UP buttons to change the settings parameters. Once you finished modifying the settings, after 3 seconds, the programmed values will be memorized, and will automatically exit the programming menu.


  • F.03 (temperature unit measure): °C temperature unit measure Celsius degrees / °F temperature unit measure Fahrenheit degrees.
    Set value by Lelit – °C
  • P (up value): When this value increases, the heating element heats more frequently in the ascent phase, therefore it generates more inertia which means more degrees than the value set by the user. On the contrary, if you decrease this value, the heating element heats less frequently in the ascent phase, therefore it generates less inertia which means less degrees than the value set by the user.
    Set value by Lelit – 1
  • I (maintenance value): It increases the cycles of activation of the heating element when it’s in stand-by mode.
    Set value by Lelit – 0.00
  • D (down value): By increasing this value, the PID Controller activates the heating element more frequently when the boiler is in the descent phase, if the value is increased, more impulses are given, therefore it decreases a little bit less.
    Set value by Lelit – 4
  • B: (- value): Compared to the set value within which the PID CONTROLLER works (expressed in °C/°F)
    Allowed values – 2 – 20 °C (35 – 68 °F)
    Set value by Lelit – around 8 °C
  • F04 (correction value): Indicates the correction factor in negative of the temperature.
    Allowed values – 0 – 30 °C (32 – 86 °F)
    Set value by Lelit – 8
  • F.05 (max temp value): Indicates the temperature value,which if reached, will flash on the display, to advise that the coffee temperature is too high.
    Allowed values – 100 – 140 °C (212 – 284 °F)
    Set value by Lelit – 108 °C

PID Controller Reset:

If you wish to reset the PID Controller, with the machine OFF, keep pressed the UP button, turn the machine ON and wait until the display shows PrS then turn the machine OFF again.


  • A1: in case the temperature probe is faulty or disconnected, the display shows the A1 message, the PID Controller functions will be disabled.
  • A2: in case the temperature probe is in short circuit (or if the detected temperature is above 200°C), the display shows the A2 message, the PID Controller functions will be disabled.

Functions of the PID Values:

The default regulation of the temperature is realized according to an algorithm called PID.

The constants that determine the thermoregulation are called:

  • Proportional constant Kp
  • Integrative constant Ki
  • Derivative constant Kd
  • The proportional range is the range, within which the temperature is set by the PID, outside it the heating element is regulated by ON/OFF

The 3 constants and the proportional range have to be adapted to the espresso machine, depending from the heating element power, the boiler dimensions, the fluidic and its dispersion. This regulation usually requires a bit of time in order to get the best possible result.

We call “set point value” or T°SET the boiler temperature it has to have during normal functioning.

  • If, during the heating or maintenance phase, the temperature excessively swings around the T°SET, with values that do not weaken in time, the proportional constant Kp needs to be diminished.
  • If, in the maintenance phase, the temperature excessively swings around the T°SET, with a very long swing period and with values that do not weaken in time, the integrative constant Ki needs to be diminished.
  • If, in the heating or maintenance phase, the temperature has an excessive swing and it’s often more than the T°SET but then weakens in time, the derivative constant Kd needs to be diminished.
  • If, in the heating phase, the temperature tends to be below the T°SET and gets more and more far away from it, the derivative constant Kd needs to be increased.
  • If, in the heating phase, the temperature tends to be below the T°SET, in a constant way, the proportional constant Kp needs to be increased and also the integrative constant Ki needs to be slightly increased.
  • If, in maintenance phase, the temperature tends to be below or above the T°SET value in a constant way, the integrative constant Ki needs to be increased and also the proportional constant Kp needs to be slightly increase